Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Brazilian Wax

When you finally set aside a little time to pamper yourself, you want it to be worth every second. Heading into your first Brazilian wax, a time for you to be taken care of – will be a more enriching experience if you know the ins and outs of what to expect. Let’s set you up for success on that first visit with tips from the pros.

What’s included in a Brazilian wax?

When we hear “Brazilian wax”, the neon, high-cut bikinis, and big hair flood our memory. And while the 90s are long gone, the essential waxing style is still very much in full swing.

Brazilian vs bikini waxing

Brazilian and bikini waxing both involve waxing the groin area, but there are some important distinctions between the two. Brazilian waxes are known to remove hair from on and around the pubic mound, outer labia, and anus. Bikini waxes remove hair from any excess body hair that exists outside of the bikini bottom area.

The benefits of getting a Brazilian wax

There are so many Brazilian wax benefits. Your wax specialist will talk with you about the benefits of the hair removal process, and your hair growth cycle. Outside of simply removing hair, waxing exfoliates skin, and can be a great boost in self-confidence! Some people just love the feeling of having smooth, hair-free skin.

brazilian wax guide

The best way to prepare for your first Brazilian

Preparing for your first Brazilian couldn’t be easier. With just a few mindful steps, your skin will be ready to shine right after your appointment.

Gently exfoliate 24 hours before your appointment

While we tout exfoliation as one of the most essential parts of skincare maintenance, it’s true that overuse, or use at the wrong time, can cause irritation, redness, and inflammation. About 24 hours prior to your appointment, you can use a gentle exfoliation method when cleansing the area to be waxed. This will help remove excess dead skin cells and knock those ingrowns loose.

Stop using retinol or chemical exfoliants

Pausing on retinol and chemical exfoliates will give your skin time to build up a layer of protection that will be an integral part of a safe waxing process. By stopping using these products a week or two before your appointment, you give your skin time to repair, restore, and be primed for your waxing appointment. 

Additional tips for the day of

On the day of your appointment, be sure to take a shower, avoid coffee and alcohol, and let your body relax. Make a plan to wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing, and skip out on any harsh scrubs during your shower. Try to drink as much water as you can, and stay hydrated throughout the day. You can take a pain reliever such as ibuprofen 30 minutes to an hour before your appointment.

What to expect from your Brazilian waxing appointment

Heading into your appointment with most of your questions answered can help you focus on the things that arise in the moment when you’re in the chair. To be present is to be in your body, grounded, and ready to engage with your esthetician should you need any support.

Client-focused, professional waxing services

Delivering person-centered, unconditional, positive regard to our clients is our main priority. So when you come in for your waxing appointment, you will be greeted by licensed professionals who have dedicated their lives to their craft. We feel extra fortunate to have a team that goes beyond the standard set of expectations to take care of our clients.

Brazilian waxing aftercare tips

Aftercare is one of the most important parts of your whole appointment. It's the post-wax restoration that your body needs to heal up quickly, so having a game plan is key.

What to avoid for 24 hours following your wax

Your body will still be in a sensitive state after your wax appointment, regardless of whether or not you have sensitive skin. So for at least the first 24 hours, avoid hot water, whether it’s the shower or hot tub. Skip this sauna and steam rooms and try to keep your skin in a neutral place, or at a cool temperature. If you do take a bath or shower, make sure the water is lukewarm. Skip direct sunlight and swimming and be sure to avoid any perfumed or scented products on your freshly waxed skin. Lastly, we know you love that soft feeling of hairless skin, but please do not touch the area! This also includes intimate activities. Failure to do proper aftercare can lead to a breakout, ingrown hairs, or both!

Best exfoliating tips following your wax appointment 

As a best practice, wait about 2 to 3 days after your wax appointment before you start regular exfoliation again. Keeping the skin irritation-free and trauma-free is your ticket to fewer ingrown hairs and overall better skin health.

Proper moisturizing guidelines

Moisturizing is nothing without drinking water. So hitting your water goals for the day is the strong foundation that regular moisturizing will build upon. Keeping your skin hydrated can help you avoid skin concerns like eczema, dry skin, and those pesky ingrown hairs!

Inclusive, client-responsive Brazilian waxing at WAX x VIBE

At WAX x VIBE, we are here to help our clients learn about the waxing process, how to advocate for better skin health, and how to ask for what they need. If you’re ready to take a deep dive into Brazilian waxing, head over to our website and schedule your first appointment. We cannot wait to guide you through your first wax!


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